Embrace entropy with the ever-hungry Crimson Order. Baron Daemar and his children know that death and decay will lay claim to aught. They feast upon those who oppose them, then grant unlife with their vampiric blood. Frustrate your foe with an enemy that grinds their forces down, all while healing their own!
—description from the publisher
Număr de jucători: 2 jucatori
Limbă: Engleză
Competențe lingvistice: Dependent lingvistic
Joc de bază/extensie: Extensie
Anul publicării: 2023
Mecanici: Alocarea punctelor de acțiune, Țintirea adversarului, Zaruri, Puteri variate
Durată de joc: maxim 60 minute
Genuri: De strategie
Tipuri: Jocuri cu Carti, Boardgames